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Information Studies: Useful Weblinks

Academic and Research Guides for Information Studies

Information Studies Department and Student Websites

Visit the websites for announcements and latest news.

Ghana Library Association

The GLA was registered as a Professional Association under the Professional Bodies Degree NRCD 143 of 1973 with Registered No. PB 21 on 2nd August 1986 in accordance with the Laws of Ghana.

ALA American Library Association

Some useful information which will help you enrich your knowledge in library automation and librarianship in general.

E-Prints in library & information science

Podcasts in Library and Information Science

  • Berkman Center for Internet & Society Podcast
    Focuses on the legal aspects of the creation, dissemination and storage of information, espeically as it relates to the internet and information managers.
  • IMLS Podcasts and Webcasts
  • Lexis Nexis podcasts on Copyright & IP
    Copyright is gets trickier in a Web 2.0 world -- these podcasts can help with a brief overview of the most recnt issues in Copyright Law that have an impact on Libraries
  • Library of Congress
    Webcasts/podcasts for Librarians/Archivists
  • OCLC Podcasts
    "OCLC now offers podcasts of OCLC events significant to the library and information science community."
  • OPAL Podcasts
    "...audiorecordings of OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries--and All Library Users) including book discussions, interviews, training, current events programs, and more! To see upcoming programs, go to "
  • San Jose State University -- SILS Colloquia Podcast
    Offers podcasts and archived Webcasts
  • SirsiDynix Institute Podcasts
    "SirsiDynix Institute is an ongoing forum for professional development in the library community. By providing free access to industry-leading speakers and events, our mission is to support librarianship and advance the work of librarians around the world.
  • TALIS Podcasts
    Paul Miller and a variety of Talis folks talk with LIS professionals who are exploring the newest dimensions Librarianship, covering technology and scholarly communications.
  • University of Missouri-Columbia: LISRadio
    "Our aim with these webcasts is to help in '...creating and exploring the intersection of information and learning.' We hope to present interesting and stimulating conversations with movers, shakers, and the odd gadfly or two in libraryland."
  • University of Washington Information School: InfoSpeak
    "InfoSpeak highlights the voices of leaders in the information field, sharing their unique visions and perspectives on emerging issues in information access."
  • Yale Information Society Project Podcasts

Subject Guide

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Henry Atsu Agbodza
P.O.Box LG 24, University of Ghana Computing Systems (UGCS), University of Ghana, Legon

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