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What is Open Science

Open science is a movement that advocates transparency, collaboration, and accessibility in research. Also, it emphasizes on the breakdown of the traditional models of sharing scientific knowledge and data with the community.

By embracing these principles, researchers can collectively work towards a more transparent and equitable future for scientific inquiry.

It is characterized by 4 elements namely; Open Access (OA), Open Data, Open Collaboration and Open Review. Open science encompasses a broader spectrum of openness extending to data sharing, software, protocols, and even the research process itself.

The Need for Open Science

There are several compelling reasons that drives the need for open science. The increased access of research can accelerate innovation and enable wider collaboration.

Additionally, it facilitates transparent research practices, thereby enhancing reproducibility and public engagement.

Furthermore, areas addressing complex global challenges like climate change and pandemic require collaborative and open approaches to finding solutions; which can be accelerated by open science.

Open Science Podcast

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Current Scenario of Open Science

1. Accelerating Open Access Publishing

  • OA publishing has accelerated as several traditional publishers now offer OA options, and new OA journals continue to emerge.
  • This allows for greater accessibility to research articles without paywalls.

2. Sharing Manuscripts Using Preprints

  • Researchers can share their manuscripts via preprints, which are facilitated via platforms like arXiv, bioRxiv, and medRxiv.
  • They enable faster dissemination of research findings.

3. Encouraging Open Data and Materials

  • Researchers are increasingly encouraging the open sharing of data and research materials.
  • Also, many funding agencies and journals are mandating the availability of data alongside publications.

4. Promoting Open Peer Review

  • Some journals have experimented with open peer review, where the reviews are made public; thus enhancing transparency and accountability in the review process.

5. Fostering Collaborative Research

  • Open science has facilitated collaborative and crowdsourced research initiatives, especially in response to global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic.

6. Improving Institutional and Funder Policies

  • Many research institutions and funding agencies now require researchers to adhere to practices like publishing in OA journals and data sharing.

7. Building New Publishing Models

  • Innovations in publishing models, such as diamond OA (no article processing charges) and ADCs, have emerged to address some financial and ethical issues in traditional publishing.

8. Promoting Advocacy and Education

  • Advocacy and education about open science practices continue to be the essential components of the movement.

9. Rising Global Initiatives

  • International organizations and collaborations have formed to promote open science on a global scale.
  • For example, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has developed recommendations on open science.

10. Establishing Data Sharing Standards

  • Efforts are ongoing to establish data sharing standards and best practices to ensure the quality, consistency, and interoperability of shared research data.

Furthermore, governments, funding agencies, and institutions are increasingly adopting policies to promote open science. These policies often require researchers to make their findings and data openly accessible.

What is Open Science : Video

Addressing the Year of Open Science


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