Overview of EndNote Web
EndNote Web is a citation/reference management tool that has been made available to faculty, researchers and students of the Univesity of Ghana through any of the following Research4life databases: HINARI, AGORA , OARE. You must log in to get the full benefit of this resource.
Register for off campus access to access HiNARI.
Request username/password from your subject librarian/library staff for AGORA and OARE .
Endnote Web is ...
Creating an Account
Create an EndNote Web account through HINARI, AGORA or OARE
Login -> Reference Sources -> EndNote Web -> Create an Account -> Register
Once your account is created, you will be able to access EndNote Web from any computer, anywhere so long as you have Internet access.
Go through the powerpoint presentation and the exercises in the box below, to create your account and become familiar with this resource.
Exporting citations from ...
EBSCO databases
After you have done your search and the results are displayed, Identify the titles you are interested in:
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